October 6 - October 22, 2022
Color Thoughts - Dodie Logue
Fridays 6-9pm, Saturdays 12-5pm
Exibition Opening: Thursday, October 6th 6-9pm
Color Thoughts - Dodie Logue

As a mid-career abstract painter, Dodie's work is seemingly simple in composition, but inside are delightful explorations of color relationships.  Her work is light, airy, and playful in this adventure of discovering how the simplest shapes and forms can heighten or lessen colors within controlled shapes.

I use bold color and abstract patterns that originate from my daily life - from nature or textiles and crafts or weather -  anything I encounter may inform my paintings.

The concept of Yin and Yang—that all things exist as inseparable and contradictory opposites—helps me make sense of the disarray and energy of our world.  By bringing this idea to my work, I simplify and use opposing forces to construct my pieces: chaos/order, stillness/action, complexity/simplicity, masculine/feminine. There is enormous energy in moving between these often contradictory forces and I try to capture it in my work." - Dodie Logue